Our team comprises business coaches, entrepreneurs, marketers designers and graphics specialists. We collectively regard ourselves as an experienced marketing team willing and able to make a real difference.
We work face to face in the London area and online to develop project strategy and concept designs and much of the creative and detail design work is taken care by our associates in Bangladesh.
Md. Nazmul Hasan
Design Team Manager (Bangladesh)
Nazmul runs the design office in Bangladesh and is Editor in Chief at Cricbabble.com. He has a background in business management and consultancy.
Afrin Nur Azad
Senior Design Officer (Bangladesh)
Afrin formally studied graphic design and has a solid background in print media and graphics project management. She has also worked with a number of Design Schools in Bangladesh.
John Walters
Marketing Consultant
John has a professional Engineering background and has had 25 years as Business Consultant with major IT companies. For the last 5 years he has focused his consultancy on boosting business performance through marketing, branding and communications.